1. Low stomach acid: Most people think that they have too much stomach acid, however, most people have too much of the wrong acid and not enough of the right acid, HCL. Stress, high sugar diets, zinc deficiency, high processed grains diet, eating too much protein in one sitting, and food sensitives, all lead to low stomach acid. This then causes heartburn and bloating. The solution is to supplement with the right stomach acid, to rebuild your stomach health. Our doctors can let you know how to do that!
2. Gut dysbiosis: You should have a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria. In fact, all organisms play a role in our intestinal health. The problem starts when certain bacteria start to outnumber the others. This is called dysbiosis and can cause bloating, pain, pressure, brain fog, skin rashes, hormone imbalances, and weight gain. The solution is to have your intestine flora evaluated to determine if you have an infection, parasite, lack probiotics, need fiber, need more water, are constipated, or need more blood or nerve supply to your intestines. And yes, our doctors can help!
3. You don’t poop often or completely. You should poop at least once and a good amount. J You will definitely be bloating if you are not pooping every day. The solution: identify why you are constipated. Dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, too little movement, liver/gallbladder problems, and stress.<-- are all potential causes of constipation.
4. Most food sensitives are due to a lack of the necessary enzymes needed to break the food down. Combined with eating too much of the associated food. Gluten and dairy are the most common food sensitives. Solution: Be tested for which enzymes you need and take them (plus avoid the food) for 90 days and usually the sensitivity is corrected.
5. SIBO: SIBO happens when bacteria from your large intestine travel to your small intestine and take over. The overgrowth of bacteria will ferment your food and cause bloating within 30 minutes of eating. Solution: Support the immune system in handling the bacteria overgrowth and replenish the flora of the small intestine.
6. Not chewing will cause larger pieces of food to travel to your intestine that will take a lot longer to digest. This will allow the food to ferment and cause bloating. Solution: eat slower and chew your food completely.
7. Not enough digestive enzymes: Food will ferment instead of digest. Solution: take the appropriate enzymes until enough enzymes are built up in the intestines and the intestines have had time to replenish their ability to make enzymes.
8. Stuck in fight or flight: The mode is due to an elevation of your sympathetic nervous system. Your digestion is controlled by your parasympathetic nervous system. Only one nervous system state is primarily active at once. If you are stuck in fight or flight you will have a hard time digesting food. Solution: be evaluated by our doctors to see what is causing this. You can also remove any distractions while you are eating and focus 100% on eating your meal. (put away your phone, or turn off your TV)